Saturday, December 31, 2011

Possibly Maybe Unexpectedly: ON TO 2012—THANK YOU 2011!

Possibly Maybe Unexpectedly: ON TO 2012—THANK YOU 2011!

ON TO 2012—THANK YOU 2011!

Let's meet the 2012 with happiness in our hearts!

I don’t want to end 2011 without my year-end post, especially since I didn’t get to write a blog post last Christmas due to the power interruptions. But since that has passed and the present is more important, here I am, writing what I call my leap-of-faith article. 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Learn the Art of Letting Go and Making Room for Something Wonderful

Let go of yourself....

I just got done sorting out my clothes and throwing away old class notes to lessen clutter. Although I also did this last December of 2010, I have to admit that it was only recently that I fully embraced and appreciated the art of “letting-go”. Good bye old clothes and shoes. Farewell collegiate notes. And soon I’ll be saying “so long” my beloved books. At present, as I write this blog, I am already done planning the shopping I’ll be doing this December – getting me a good pair of dressy shoes.