Friday, November 26, 2010

First Attempt: For the Love of Haiku...

It started with a comment...then came the suggestion...

This is my first attempt for a haiku not to mention in Japanese Calligraphy. Thanks to the Midnight Writer and Sir Ben I found another interest to study (and I hope there will be a follow-up with this one) -- and a good tattoo design I wish to have (but take note in Henna since I can't imagine myself growing old with ink on my skin hehe). Comments and suggestions are welcome and are very much appreciated. I do hope I did good here (although this is not the traditional one). But in case there are indeed some correction then I'll gladly revise this one (and once I get to figure out how to write it in traditional jap calligraphy)...hehe...

猫 は 9つの 命 を 持 つ...
cats having nine lives...
好 奇 心...
リ ス ク を 取 っ て...
taking risk...
と チ ャ ン ス を 取 っ て 相 次 い を 与 え ら れ て い る...
taking chances and being given one after another...
学 習...
失 っ て...
優 勝...
信 仰...
声 に 出 し て 考 え て...
thinking out loud...
可 能 性 を 考 え て...
thinking of the possibilities...
モ ノ づ く り が 起 こ る...
 making things happen
類 似...
す ご い !  (ち ょ う ど ア イ デ ア)
wow! (just ideas)

*I would like to thank Google Translate for the help after being confused (this is my first to deal with Jap calligraphy) with translating….

Finding ME Again....

I missed me....and I'm starting to come back...

the past few weeks were somewhat enlightening. It seems as if time was revealing something that was already there right in front of me (actually instead of "revealing" I was thinking more of "slapping")--the answers to my long asked question. Time is indeed an ally....

I've finally decided to move on--from all the frustrations that made me lose confidence in myself. For years I've become somewhat a stranger to myself. It is only recently that I realized how I became a totally different person than who I was back then. It was true that pretending too much that you are someone (which I did to fit in the place I was in and please someone) will really make you that type of person ('till now--I realized how much I have degraded myself in the process). I needed to go back to who I was to correct my mistakes and to fully grow. It may take some time but at present all I can do is make a step.

sadness was filling me up all these years. Maybe that was the reason why I never had any suitors (at least sane ones). I always ended up attracting the wrong sorts of guys (I mean those who thought they can get the chance to prove their manhood through having "dinner and breakfast"--the "and" part was what I was worried about). 

My brother (Jay) was right--if I want to catch the guy (with the qualities I was praying for), then I better start by making myself the girl that would equal him... God will give me someone perfect for me and in time He will...but I have to do my part and not just pray...

I was lonely though never alone but honestly changing my self back and better than before wasn't due to me not having that "someone"... It's all about loving myself. I realized that by being happy and loving me more then I may attract a lot of great things in life.

I need to move on from being broken...

...move on from being a kid...

Everything does happen for a reason...and this one is for me to learn that God made each of us special--and we should be grateful about it...