Sunday, October 16, 2011

When Things Go Out of Control...


I was supposed to write something about iphone app development but I ended up writing this blog post instead. Recently a certain blogger’s awards event happened in Legazpi. I may not have been a part of it but some friends were and they won (CONGRATULATIONS!!!). I’m happy for them and I have no regrets if I haven’t posted my link (this blog post) earlier for the possibility of it being nominated. I was still fixing this blog – from the contents to its layout (and layout’s next). As a graduate of an IT course and as the blog’s owner I felt it was but right that I do the tweaking myself. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to do it for months. But enough about this blog (or when would it get finally done); I just want to point out something….

Things are meant to happen for a reason…

I may not have had the opportunity to be part of it but someone else did and it was because I added him (a spontaneous decision) to the blogger group (and I even posted his link) ….I didn’t add mine I added his…and I have no regrets…and he won…and I’m happy for him…and I felt extremely excited about this realization that I should have seen even before…. 

Friends your life, my life, everybody’s life, is already made

Life is a blueprint and we are but the laborers who need to make sure it’s foundation don’t falter.
When I found out that my friend won the awards I suddenly felt that sort of exciting-unexplainable feeling for realizing that something weird but good was going on! It was that fact that although we weren’t planning on it, there are things which just happen that are out of our control—SOMEONE ELSE is.

Even before the said awards event, I was already having moments where I would have this feeling: when all you can do is let go and just go with wherever the situation would take you. It wasn't coincidence that I added him up and gave his link; and that there was a blogger awards. It wasn’t even chance. It was all fate…it was his for the taking…and I’m happy I was used by SOMEONE as an instrument to deliver it to my friend what is definitely his.

After what had happened I am hopeful GOD will give me what I want and what my heart had prayed for. Weeks before the said blogger awards, I was in Legazpi for another important event. On that day I was wearing what I thought was a fitting choice of clothes for a hot weather—a white and airy top; who would have thought that the color I was wearing was actually a requirement that event. I was not aware nor told of what to bring or what to wear for that day. But when I came it was as if everything I needed was handed down to me. I didn’t bring with me an envelope which was also a requirement (as I’ve said I didn’t know). It was a blessing that someone – a stranger – was there who rose to his feet and told me to just wait for him. He later came back and handed me the envelope needed. A lot of things that happened that day were what I can say “out of my control”. SOMEONE ELSE, as I’ve said, was.

After learning of my friend’s winning, I am confident everything I prayed for my life and for my family will fall into place. I have gone a long way and this is all because HE made it possible.

Things happen for a reason. Pieces fall into place for a bigger picture.  Whether you’d be directly involved in it or just a tool for it to be completed, you are still part of it and that’s a blessing. At present I am happy and excited for this new found and felt awareness. 

While I wait for the outcome of my venture weeks ago (before this post) in Legazpi, another idea came into mind. As I work my way to it, I recently discovered a certain event that led me to realize I was on the right track. 

With God nothing is impossible. We just have to have faith that all will be well. And as I fix my blog (this blog) I am also reviewing to prepare for my next adventure. 

I know God will make it possible for me to have it. After all HE did not only gave me limits from zero to infinite but has also made sure “success” was part of my blueprint.

Photo taken by M. Halili 
Edited by Jenny G. Jimenez

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